15mm Cannon Fodder Modern Range

These figures have been sculpted by the talented Greg Blake, they are his 15mm modern range with US Delta Force and US Rangers, they also include the Africans and the Afghan ranges.
15mm Modern US Army Rangers
The Army Rangers, also known as 75th Ranger Regiment , is a light infantry airborne special operatio..
15mm Modern US Delta Force
The 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), commonly referred to as Delta For..
15mm Modern Mercs
The Merc's range are useful for any situation that you might need some independent support, OR some ..
15mm Modern Afghans
The Afghan fighting force is a militia made up of various tribes that are not related to the Afghan ..
15mm Modern Africans
The African fighting force is a militia made up of various tribes that are not aligned to any specif..